International Affiliate Programs

Affilate Programs
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ShareASale aMember
The best, full-featured website membership and subscription solution.


LinkShare Corporation Dell Home Systems (USA)

Affiliate programs:

Earn a passive income by participating in affilate marketing programs. This is can involve as little as displaying a link on your web site or even hosting an entire virtual store. In general there are two program types: Pay Per Click (PPC) and those that pay per sale or lead.


All our recommended programs are free to join and offer international payments.

ShareASale is our top pick among affiliate programs that pay per sale or lead. ShareASale's main advantage over other programs is the flexibility of their linking system. The ad for aMember on the top right is an example of a ShareASale ad.

that pay per click. Google's AdSense technology detects your visitor's browser settings and displays ads in their preferred language - instant internationalization. Payment for each click typically varies from a few cents to a few dollars. The ad on the middle on the right is from AdSense.

LinkShare Corporation has 400 participating advertisers including household names like Dell Outlet and The Overstock banner on the right is from LinkShare. Note that many of LinkShare's advertisers who sell physical products do not ship internationally. Also some advertisers accept international orders but do not pay affiliates for these referals. Be sure to check each advertiser's policies carefully and make sure you do not frustrate your visitors or yourself. If most of your visitors are from the USA, LinkShare is an excellent affilate program to join. If not, investigate screening visitors so that only ads relevant to their country appear in their browser.

Amazon offers programs in the USA, Canada, England, Japan, China and Germany. These have native language content for each country so you can sell in a foreign language and not have to translate a single word. The ad on the bottom on the right is an example of an ad and this site's store is an Amazon virtual store and was really easy to set up.

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Page topic: International Affiliate Programs