International Web Hosts

Expat Web Hosting
Web HostsMultilingual Web DesignMake Money
The web hosting companies listed here will host your site no matter where you live.

Hosting a web site when you live overseas can be very expensive and also frustrating if you don't speak the language. The most cost effective solution is to host with an off-shore hosting service. These are usually based in the USA or the UK. However, some web hosting companies reject applications from foreign countries.

The web hosts listed on this page will not only accept international web sites but also accept various payment options such as credit card or PayPal and offer money back guaranteed trial periods.
And of course, they communicate in perfect English!

Web host checklist - some points to consider before signing with a web host.

Application & acceptance

  • Minimum contract term
  • Cancellation terms
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Content & use restrictions
  • Dispute resolution process
  • Domain name ownership at the end of the hosting relationship. (We recommend buying your own domain name to avoid problems.)

Pricing & Payment

  • Setup cost
  • Domain name cost
  • Monthly cost
  • Payment method
    • PayPal
    • Credit Card
    • Bank transfer

Performance & security

  • Reputation
  • Security policies
  • Reliability
  • Uptime guarantee
  • Backup process & frequency
  • Shared hosting vs. dedicated server


  • Availabilty
  • Guaranteed response time
  • Contact method: email/phone
  • Cost

Hosting limits

  • Disk space
  • Bandwidth
  • Domain names

Site construction & administration

  • Site builders
  • Blogs, forums, etc.
  • Shopping carts
  • Merchant accounts/credit card processing
  • Japanese character support (e.g. MySQL 4.1 or newer)
Hosting for off-shore web sites
ServerPronto Dedicated Server

If an application to any of these companies is ever rejected, please let us know and we will take up the issue with them.

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Page topic: International Web Hosts