
Expat Web Hosting
Web HostsMultilingual Web DesignMake Money

Host Up to 7 Domains on 1 Account!
Instant Activation!
Forever FREE Domains!
Contract Buy-Out!
GloBlog™ - Blog Software!
Set-Up! Free Tools!
3.5 Terabytes of Bandwidth
25 GB Hosting Space
Unlimited Emails
24/7 Toll-Free Phone Customer Support

Check out Globat today!

Globat web hosting is ideal for first-time web masters:

  • Great 24 hour support.
  • Very simple web management interface. Easy to use and with fewer options than other control panels there is less chance of making a mistake!
  • Globat's web-site builder is easy to use too. You can have your first site up an running within the hour. The web site builder provides a wide range of templates complete with attractive professional images free of charge.
  • The $50 Yahoo Search Marketing credit is the silver lining in Globat's hosting package. Sign with Globat and you can use the Yahoo credit to promote your site - build traffic faster. It's the same value as getting 6 month's Globat hosting for free!

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